October Newsletter Message from MAC’s Board Chair, Marie Sanderson
As Chair of the Board of Commissioners for MAC, I am pleased to share the latest about what is happening at MAC this month.
The Mississippi Arts Commission Board of Commissioners recently met in Jackson for our quarterly board meeting. I am pleased to share that we are moving forward with the executive director search. We have received applications from several promising candidates. We hope to share more information about the search with you all soon.
We also had three new board members join us at the board meeting. Our new board members include Scott Naugle of Pass Christian, Jamie Lincoln Ward of Madison, and Joanna McNeel of Madison. We are grateful for them to serve on our board of commissioners.
It’s Mini-Grant application time again! Individual artists can receive up to $500, and Organizations can receive up to $1000. The deadline for applications is November 1, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. For more information, visit arts.ms.gov/grants.
The MAC team is hosting an information session on applying for Mini-Grants. The session will be hosted on Zoom on October 14. I urge you to join if you are interested in applying for a min-grant. Information about the session can be found in the newsletter and by visiting arts.ms.gov.
MAC is also changing when artists can apply for the Artist Roster. Applications to join or re-apply for another three-year Roster Artist term will now open twice a year: October 1 and May 1. Applications must be submitted by November 1 at 11:59 p.m. Applicants will be notified of their application decision in December. The Teaching Artist Roster is separate and will still open once a year, on February 1.
-Marie Sanderson