Mississippi Folklife Releases Special Issue “Craft & Community During COVID” for Summer 2022

The Summer 2022 Issue, “Craft and Community During COVID” of Mississippi Folklife is now available online at www.mississippifolklife.org. This digital journal features original writing, photography, films, and documentary work focused on present-day folklife and cultural heritage throughout the state. Mississippi Folklife is a project of the Mississippi Arts Commission.

MAC to Host Mississippi Traditions Exhibit at the Carnegie Public Library in Clarksdale

In partnership with the Carnegie Public Library, the Mississippi Arts Commission will host an exhibit celebrating featured artists on the new Mississippi Folklife Directory website www.msfolkdirectory.org. The exhibit features the work of five traditional artists around the state, including Alan Kolodny (tatter and jewelry maker), Janice Mitchell (quilter), Vish Shenoy (sitar player), Paul Gore (sign painter), and Sharde Thomas (fife player).