Model schools are the result of a high implementation of arts integration in a school that has received extensive training through the Mississippi Whole Schools program. They are arts integration demonstration schools that have developed sustainable practices for learning in and through the arts. Schools that have committed to arts integration and changed their school’s culture through the arts may apply to become a Model Whole School. 

To be eligible to apply, schools must have:  

  • completed a minimum of three years in the Mississippi Whole Schools program. 
  • completed all prior program requirements and be an active member in good standing.   
  • a minimum of two professional arts specialists on staff (art, music, dance, theatre).  
  • evidence of schoolwide buy-in (85% needed for success). 
  • the recommendation of a MWS Field Advisor.

Please note: To apply, schools must register in MAC’s online E-Grant systemPlease contact MAC staff if you have questions. Applicants should familiarize themselves with the Model School application and review process.   

Provided by MAC through the Program (valued up to $10,000)

MAC will: 

  • Sponsor an agreed upon number of the school’s staff to attend the MWS mid-year training events &  Summer Institute.
  • Sponsor teaching artists or consultants to lead workshop(s) at the school that connect to the school’s goals. 
  • Sponsor field advisor site visits to provide technical assistance, present arts-integrated strategies, and act as a mentor to the school. 
  • $5,000 cash to support the school’s work in arts integration.  

Expectations for Schools Participating in Model Program

The school will:

  • Provide a cash match for the amount of agreed upon services (value up to $10,000) Please see the cash match section for a list of qualified sources. Contact the Arts Education Director if you have challenges identifying matching sources. 
  • Send an agreed number of the school’s staff to attend the MWS Summer & Winter Institutes. 
  • Schedule time during the school year for teaching artists and consultants to work with staff and model strategies with students. 
  • Schedule time after each off-site professional development workshop to share information and arts integration strategies through hands-on experiences with the rest of the staff. 
  • Plan and implement monthly Arts Leadership Committee meetings at the school to support growth and document the school’s progress within the MWS Growth Planner Journey Map. 
  • Submit required project documentation (including the final report) upon request.
  • Participate in MWS related teleconferences and meetings. 
  • Host a minimum of 3 Model Tour site visits for MWS member schools and other guests.
    • A half-day or 4-hour visit includes: Observation of model arts integrated lessons, walk-through of the school and conversations with administrators and teachers. All visits will be coordinated through the Arts Education Director. 
  • Be available to present strategies at future professional learning events. 
  • Make the school available for hosting local, regional or statewide MWS events such as workshops, exhibits, or other related events. 
  • Collaborate to create a professional development plan that identifies the source of income and a plan for professional development during the current school year.
    • Note: Arts Education Director will work with staff to determine which options will work best to implement at your school.
  • Include current MAC and MWS logos on the school’s website and other pertinent print pieces.
  • Model School status is awarded for two years. MAC reserves the right to review the status of all MWS Model schools on an annual basis and to deny renewal status based on the fulfillment of the contract. 
  • Services awarded to schools applying by the April deadline will be available for the next school year (see “Important Dates” section at the end of the guidelines). 

List of Services the School May Provide

Schools are expected to provide the following:

  • Registration fees for the MWS Summer & Winter Institutes 
  • Staff travel to the MWS Summer and Winter Institutes, Model School site visits, etc. 
  • Presenting fees for workshops by teaching artists, etc. 
  • Art supplies (that pertain to the teacher’s exploration of new arts integrated strategies)
  • Fees that are spent on substitute teachers hired to relieve classroom teachers during their MWS professional development opportunities.

Eligible Types of Cash Match

Note: Please work with your school or school district’s fiscal officer to review the following information. 

  • Title funds (for professional development, travel, etc.) 
  • PTO/PTA funds (including funds from fundraisers, donations, or other income streams) 
  • School fundraisers (Note: Please contact school district business manager to review rules for school fundraisers in advance.) 
  • School or district funds (to support purchase of supplies, contracting professional development, or reimbursing travel) 
  • Contributions from individuals or local businesses

Eligibility Requirements

Schools may apply if they are a Mississippi public school or a school that has been incorporated in Mississippi as a non-profit organization with IRS 501(c)3 status in place. 

To apply, schools must have:

  • completed a minimum of three years in Mississippi Whole Schools program. 
  • completed all prior program requirements and be an active member in good standing.   
  • a minimum of two professional arts specialists on staff (art, dance, music, theatre). 
  • evidence of school wide buy-in (85% needed for success). 
  • the recommendation of a MWS Field Advisor. 

All final reports for current MAC grants (including supplemental materials) must be turned in and complete from the previous fiscal year before services for the upcoming fiscal year will be awarded. 

Review Criteria

Communication (25 points possible) 

The applicant demonstrates a sustained practice of communication by:

  • The campus communicates and demonstrates a clear vision for the arts and arts integration. 
  • Student learning through arts integration is valued and celebrated. 
  • Collaboration with stakeholders communicates the value of the arts and arts integration. 
  • Community engagement and training events are ongoing and purposeful. 
  • Information about arts integration is included in the school’s printed and digital information. 
  • There is a clear focus on communicating the impact of arts integration for student achievement and success. 
  • A well thought out plan representing ongoing strategies to address the school’s goals. (Goal 1 – 
  • Journey Map) 

Professional Learning (25 points possible) 

The applicant demonstrates a sustained practice of professional learning by: 

  • Professional learning opportunities are connected to the school’s growth plan and based on the needs of the learner. 
  • The campus supports ongoing participation of the staff and administrators in MWS training events on a regular basis. 
  • The campus focuses on curriculum-based authentic arts experiences both inside and outside the school. 
  • Daily instruction in the arts and arts integration is presented authentically and accurately. 
  • Data-driven strategies are used to address the needs of the learner in learning through the arts. 
  • The campus utilizes its professional learning time to address instructional priorities and implement effective learning strategies. 
  • A well thought out plan representing ongoing strategies to address the school’s goals. (Goal 2 – 
  • Journey Map)

Collaboration (25 points possible) 

The applicant demonstrates a sustained practice of collaboration by: 

  • Teachers regularly collaborate with specialists to plan arts integrated lessons and units of study. 
  • Peer-to-peer collaboration is used for professional learning, classroom implementation, and program planning. 
  • The campus establishes and maintains its community support through collaboration and communication with school stakeholders. 
  • Students are guided to collaborate in the creative process. 
  • The campus participates in regular and ongoing collaboration and networking with other MWS schools. 
  • The campus focuses on collaborative and strategic planning through its professional learning and participation in community events. 
  • There is ongoing practice of the reflective process for teachers and students.
  • A well thought out plan representing ongoing strategies to address the school’s goals. (Goal 3 – Journey Map) 

Operations (25 points possible)  

The applicant demonstrates a sustained operational practice by: 

  • The campus secures resources to support the ongoing growth and implementation of the program (ex. PTO, PTA, school fundraisers, etc.). 
  • The campus identifies and secures external resources (ex. foundations, community partners, etc.) that align to strategic priorities. 
  • A comprehensive curriculum plan supporting rigorous and collaborative arts integration planning is in place. (Curriculum Map, CSI charting, etc.) 
  • The campus has specific policies and procedures for the implementation of arts integration. 
  • There is administrative support of, and within, weekly common planning time for rigorous arts and curriculum connections. 
  • Expectations for daily arts integration are clearly communicated and monitored. 
  • Arts education and arts integration is included in the school’s annual improvement/academic plan and professional development schedule. 
  • The campus has a well-developed mentoring program for all teachers (novice and veteran) in arts integration. 
  • A well thought out plan representing ongoing strategies to address the school’s goals. (Goal 4 – Journey Map) 

How to Apply

Apply online using MAC’s E-Grant system. Faxed, mailed, or emailed applications are not accepted unless accommodations have been arranged. If you are new to E-Grant, please review the guides and video tutorials available on MAC’s Frequently Asked Questions page, then contact MAC staff if you have any questions.

Required Items for Model School Application

Please submit the following information through the E-Grant: 

  • Narrative in which you address the questions listed on the application form
  • Sample lesson plans and teacher testimonials
  • A link to the school’s current MWS Growth Planner (Rubric and Journey Map). The Planner should be complete with all supporting details and information reflective of the last two academic school years. 
  • Sample copies of the school’s work toward meeting Growth Planner/Journey Map goals.
  • Personal Statement Letter from the school principal 
  • Letter of Support from the school superintendent 
  • Letter of Support from the school PTO 

If your school is applying to be a Model School for the first time or is submitting a Year One application, submit your Model School Evidence Document twoweeks prior to your scheduled site-visit review. Detailed information can be found in the resource section of the MWS member page.    

Important Dates

November 1 – New Applicants submit letter of intent to apply. 

January-March – Site visits are set up with each applicant.

June – MAC Board of Commissioners meets and makes final decisions on all applications.

July – Applicants are notified regarding acceptance. 

MWS Summer Institute is typically held in July and MWS Winter Institute is typically held January/February.

Required Items for Model School Application

For detailed information, contact Charlotte Smelser, Arts Education Director – 601-359-6037 or