2025 Poetry Out Loud Contest

The 2025 Mississippi Poetry Out Loud® (POL) champion is Saabria Prater, a Senior at Pascagoula High School. Nita Hardin, a Sophomore at New Albany High School, is the first runner-up, and Sophie Mattingly, a Freshman at Rosa Scott High School, is the second runner-up.

Prater received $200, and Pascagoula High School received a $500 stipend to purchase poetry materials. As the first runner-up, Nita Hardin received $100, with $200 for Union County Heritage Museum, which sponsored Hardin’s local contest.

Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, Poetry Out Loud is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the Poetry Foundation, in partnership with state and jurisdictional arts agencies. Since 2005, the program has served more than 4.4 million students and 81,000 teachers from 20,000 schools across the country, creating community and connection through poetry.

Nine high school students from high schools/organizations across the state participated in the Mississippi Poetry Out Loud state finals, which took place at Mississippi Public Broadcasting (MPB) in Jackson, MS, on March 6, 2025. MPB Television will broadcast the competition on Friday, April 25, at 8 p.m. (CST) and Sunday, April 27, at 6 p.m. (CST).

Prater will advance to the national finals, which are planned to take place in Washington, DC, May 5 – 7, 2025, to compete for the National Champion title and $20,000 grand prize.

About The Program

Poetry Out Loud is a free program created by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation for students in grades 9 – 12. Since 2005, it has helped students in all fifty states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia, master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and improve their reading comprehension scores while learning about their literary heritage.

Through the Poetry Out Loud curriculum, teachers guide students to a deeper, richer understanding of the power of language and literature by helping them develop a personal relationship with great poems. An added benefit is that Poetry Out Loud offers all students the opportunity to compete for awards, prizes, and recognition.

Who Can Participate?

Poetry Out Loud can be conducted virtually or in-person. The program starts at the classroom/school or at the local level with an area organization. Winners then may advance to a regional and/or state competition, and ultimately to the national finals. Awards and placements are determined solely by the judges’ scores based on the Poetry Out Loud Evaluation Criteria.

Any school or homeschool group in Mississippi that teaches students in grades 9 – 12 can register to participate in Poetry Out Loud. Public, private, parochial, alternative, independent, and Christian schools — as well as homeschool groups — are encouraged to participate. Non-school organizations, such as after-school clubs, libraries, or non-profit organizations, may also choose to run Poetry Out Loud. Students may only compete in one stream—either with their school or an organization.  Students unable to participate at their school or local organization should contact their state Poetry Out Loud coordinator to discuss other opportunities for inclusion in the state’s official competition.

Past Winners

2025 | Saabria Prater | Pascagoula High School 
2024 | Malisha Taylor | Pascagoula High School 
2023 | Edward Wilson | Jackson Prep *Second Place, National
2022 | Noble Wilkinson | Jackson Prep
2021 | Morgan Love* | Mississippi School of the Arts  *Honorable Mention, National
2020  |  Morgan Love  |  Mississippi School of the Arts
2019  |  Taylor Mills  |  Northwest Rankin High School
2018  |  Anna Claire Franklin  |  Oxford High School
2017 | Lawson Marchetti* | Jackson Prep   *Honorable Mention, National
2016  |  Lawson Marchetti  |  Jackson Preparatory School
2015  |  Joy Carino  |  Mississippi School for Mathematics & Science
2014  |  Joy Carino  |  Starkville High School
2013  |  Akane Little  |  Starkville High School
2012  |  Kristen Dupard*  |  Ridgeland High School  *National Champion
2011  |  Kristen Dupard  |  Ridgeland High School
2010  |  John Eze Uzondinma  |  Rosa Scott School
2009  |  Shaniqua Wesley  |  Water Valley High School
2008  |  Grant Cochran  |  Washington School
2007  |  Melissa Cline  |  Ridgeland High School
2006  |  Ryan Breeland  |  Brookhaven High School

Contest Structure And Awards

Poetry Out Loud National Recitation Contest begins at the classroom level. Winners advance to school-wide contest, Regional Contests, State Finals and, ultimately, to the National Contest held in Washington, D.C. The State Champion receives $200 and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington to compete in the National Contest. The Champion’s school receives a $500 stipend for the purchase of poetry materials. The runner-up receives $100, with $200 going to his or her school library. At the National Contest, contestants can win $1000, $5000, $10,000 or the grand prize of $20,000.

Program Materials And Schedule

Schools that register to participate in Poetry Out Loud will receive free curriculum materials, including online poetry anthologies, a teachers guide to help instructors teach recitation and performance, promotional and media guides, a comprehensive website, and support from the Mississippi Arts Commission and the POL State Coordinator. Schools that choose not to register may still access the Poetry Out Loud website and use the materials available there.

Questions? See the Frequently Asked Questions for Poetry Out Loud.

Poetry Out Loud Flyers

Poetry Out Loud Calendar

For more information, contact the Poetry Out Loud Coordinator at poetryoutloud@arts.ms.gov.