MAC’s Arts Day at the Capitol Celebrates the Arts
JACKSON, MISS. – March 3, 2020 – The Mississippi Arts Commission’s annual Arts Day at the Capitol will take place Thursday, March 5, from 11:30-1:30 at the Mississippi State Capitol Building. Held in the State Capitol rotunda, the event highlights the significant ways in which the arts contribute to a better quality of life for all Mississippians. The day provides an opportunity for artists and arts organizations to share with lawmakers how the arts have impacted their lives and their communities.
More than 35 arts-related organizations from around the state will be represented at Arts Day at the Capitol, including the Mississippi Museum of Art, Lynn Meadows Discovery Center, Mississippi School of the Arts, the Mississippi Arts and Entertainment Experience, the Mississippi Alliance for Arts Education and many others. The event will feature performances during the noon hour by violinist Marta Szlubowska and musician McKinney “Blues Man” Williams. Painters associated with the Mississippi Plein Air Painters will capture scenes from the event as they paint on-site.
“Arts Day at the Capitol is a chance for Mississippi’s arts supporters to come together to celebrate our artistic legacy and share good news about arts events and happenings in their area of the state,” said Malcolm White, executive director of the Mississippi Arts Commission. “This is an opportunity for the state’s arts community to tell their story at the State Capitol.”
Arts Day at the Capitol is free and open to the public. To learn more about Arts Day at the Capitol, please contact Anna Ehrgott at (601) 359-6546 or aehrgott@arts.ms.gov.