Latest Past Events

Mississippi Arts Hour – Kyle Hilton

This week on the Mississippi Arts Hour, our guest is Kyle Hilton, a Jackson-based illustrator. Kyle is also the author of Art History Paper Dolls and Literary Paper Dolls. His work appears in publications like the New York Times, Variety, and The Wall Street Journal. We will discuss Kyle’s path to becoming an illustrator and his process of creating unique representations of contemporary media when you tune into this segment of the Mississippi Arts Hour. The episode airs on MPB Think Radio this Sunday at 5 p.m. CT. You can also listen on your favorite podcasting app.

Mississippi Arts Hour – Terry “Harmonica” Bean

This Sunday, Larry travels to Pontotoc to visit with bluesman Terry “Harmonica” Bean.The episode airs on MPB Radio this Sunday at 5 p.m. CT. You can also subscribe and listen through your favorite podcasting app.