My name is Oleksandra Petrovska. Agni Kama is my nom de plume. I was born September 19, 1981, in Odessa, Ukraine. This is a beautiful town located on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea. When I was a child, I loved drawing everywhere. Now I’m a professional Artist & Designer with a Bachelor of Arts. I have 25 years of experience in art, design, and web design. I love to work on different projects. I love photography and writing poems. I’m interested in everything related to art, life, and spirituality. I have deep respect for the traditions of different cultures. I believe in God, kindness, and Peaceful World.
As an artist I work with different materials: colored pencils, oil, and acrylic on canvas, pastels, charcoal, and ink. I paint portraits, animals, landscapes, still life, fantasy, and nature. I create characters, graphics, and interesting illustrations. I create vector graphics as well.
Art is my passion. My artworks are reflections on the value of Life. My artworks are very diverse in subject matter and style, but in them, I put various ideas and the search for harmony and, of course, love. Because without love, there would be no life itself.
Everything we see before our eyes is an image and a reflection of our personal thoughts. But the created images can help fill us with a certain energy, fill the existing void, and even heal us in difficult times.
I am infinitely grateful to our Universe for being so diverse. She is the absolute and our main teacher in life. And in my artworks, I share my knowledge that I already have and fill the world with beauty, peace, and love.