Holley Rumbarger

Holley Rumbarger was born into this world to play music, but more locationally, she was born in the south. Her roots in music link back to a rusty 1984 Jeep Grand Cherokee, a couple of Alison Krauss CDs, perhaps a gas station frozen coke paired with some boiled peanuts, and the Mississippi sun dancing through the windows into the back seat.

Holley’s music defines her experiences in love and life in the Deep South but knows no true genre. Perhaps something akin to folk or Americana. She dabbles in a cornucopia of sound, not limited to country or pop, soul or rock. Her original music is intrinsically personal and ever-adaptive. Illustrative and illuminative of her life, love, losses, and lessons.

She has a lifetime of singing experience, having come into the world wailing in 1992, as her mother said (and as some would say, never stopped), but in recent years felt a calling to stringed instruments, specifically guitar and mandolin.